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Moussaka - Greek Cyprus Dish

Welcome to Yummy Cyprus

Yummy Cyprus is a window into the real Mediterranean diet.

It’s run by a Cypriot grandmother, who pours all her energy and knowledge into sharing the food and culinary customs of our beautiful island.

Join our cookery workshops or simply browse the articles and recipes that we share in Traditions and Recipes.

Secrets of the Traditional Mediterranean Diet - A presentation by Marina Savvides

The Mediterranean Diet has been studied for its health benefits for 50+ years and backed by organizations like the WHO and the American Heart Association. View Presentation.

Mediterranean Diet Cookery Workshops  

Greek Tsanziki

Here’s what you can expect from the Yummy Cyprus cookery demonstrations.

Each four-hour workshop includes:

  • Cookery demonstration. Learn about traditional Greek and Cypriot cooking. You’ll be shown how to make some of our most popular recipes, and you’ll learn about the traditions behind the foods. You will learn one main meal and several starters per workshop.

  • Mediterranean diet discussion. Alongside the cookery demonstration, you’ll hear about the ingredients in the foods prepared, the traditions behind them and the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet.

  • Shared meal. For small groups, we’ll all share the meal we have just prepared and enjoy a glass of wine and more discussion!

More information on our Mediterranean Diet cookery workshops can be found on the About Us page.

For more information or custom workshop requests please contact us

The simple truth of the Med diet's benefits

OkraAgain and again we read about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. What we don't read is that the Mediterranean diet is not just about food, it's about a whole way of life. And it really is very simple. Read more


Fasolia recipe
KolokasiBoiled white beans with carrot, potato and parsley are one of the simplest, healthiest and most delicious meals you'll find in any Greek household. Read More
Tahini recipe

Larnaca CyprusTahini is a well-loved sauce in Greek cuisine, made from roasted, ground sesame seeds. The sauce is most popular in Cyprus, where it's used as a dip to accompany any family meal, or in the traditional Cypriot kebabs ('souvlakia'). Read more


A traditional souvlaki bar
YiouvarlakiaWhile I was writing about the popular tahini sauce, I remembered a scene from my childhood in Larnaca. A day-to-day scene at the time, but one which gives a nice insight into life in Cyprus in the 60s! Read More
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